Emily Dickinson was born on the 10th od December 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, the second child of lawyer Edward Dickinson and Emily Norcross Dickinson. In 1840 Edward sells his half of the family home in Amherst. Emily enters Amherst Academy, where students are taught a 'modern' curriculum including astronomy and pre-Darwinian geology.
Her father gets elected Sate Senator in 1842 and re-elected in 43.
Religious revival in Amherst in 1846, Dickinson expresses doubts to her friend Abiah Root and in 1847 she enters Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (MHFS). She withdraws from Mount Holyoke in 1948.
Another religious revival occurs in Amherst on the 1850, her father, sister Lavinia and her friend, Susan Gilbert, join First Church of Christ.
Emily travels to her sister in Boston in 1851 and her father is elected to the US House of Representatives in 52.
Edward moves his family back into The Homestead in 1855 which Emily will stay for the rest of her life. In 1858 Dickinson started to write poetry.
In 1861 Springfield Republican prints poem 'I taste a liquor never brewed', altered and titled 'The May-Wine'.
Between 1862-3 Dickinson writed about 300 poems but undergoes a personal crisis.
Shares Amherst's grief for loss of men killed in the Civil War.
1864 she goes back to Boston for seven months for an eye treatment and two more poems are printed. And by the end of 1865 about a thousand poems were written.
In 1866 Springfield Republican prints 'A narrow Fellow in the Grass' in a much-altered form.
In 1876 Helen Hunt Jackson, Amherst-born poet, becomes literary friend with Dickinson and begs her yo publish her work.
'Success is counted sweetest' is published anonymously at Jackson's urging in 1878.
In 1880 Judge Otis Lord calls frquently at The Homestead and duscusses marriage but he is turned down.
Emily Dickinson's mother dies in 1882 and in 1884 the first attack of kidney diseas occurs to Dickinson.
She dies on the 15th of May 1886 from kidney disease.
Despite Dickinson's prolific writing, fewer than a dozen of her poems were published during her lifetime. After her younger sister Vinnie discovered the collection of nearly eighteen hundred poems, Dickinson's first volume was published four years after her death in 1890.

Emily's themes were about nature, love, death and immortality as she did spend most of her years on her own writting her poems. Half of her work, if not to say all of it, is untitled and when they published some of her poems they numbered them. Here is a few of her most popular poems.

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Not one of all the purple Host
Who took the flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of victory
As he defeated - dying -
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
I taste a liquor never brewed -
From tankards scooped in pearl -
Not all the Vats upon the Rhine
Yield such an Alcohol!
Inebriate of Air - am I -
And Debauchee of Dew -
Reeling - thro endless summer days -
From inns of Molten Blue -
When 'Landlords' turn the drunken Bee
Out of the Foxglove's door -
When Butterflies - renounce their "drams" -
I shall but drink the more!
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